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Tuesday, June 2, 2020

                                                           PLACE MATTERS

            The question of place matters rolls back the idea of good and right which span a greater part in the field of moral philosophy, again the question is the new order might not put a stop to history, is it a utopia,  amicable and placid. Truly, oppression is more likely now that the Cold War has vanished, lets face it business has exultation resulting from victory in that inequality will split or divide base on the new world order as surely as the Berlin Wall in the East and West region. On the above statement out lines in a global sphere people live in an inter independent as a result  wars will continued to destabilized country after country and people will continued live in camps and families suffer when there is not enough to eat and in fact little access to economic.

 Is fair to say social regimes were mostly undermined by the states not given them the tools or power to regulate what is happen in some part of the neighborhoods. For example Social Environment one of the articles in the reading Building a Movement for Healthy Communities by Judith Bell and Victor Rubin mention “Strong social networks that bring neighbors together whether to advocate for change, cultivate a community garden, or provide services can strengthen community ties and empower individuals to be advocates for themselves and change agents for their neighborhoods.” Another example in class discussion and the documentary video some students spoke about the disparities between rich neighborhood and poor neighborhood the poor in cue moor diseases then the rich neighbor living in dilapidated houses not eating healthy food that causes poor diet, high cholesterol, diabetes, major depression as well as other Chronic diseases to children.

Another factor that derailed neighborhood school vouchers represent an unconscionable diversion of scarce resources away from public schools already lacking funds, if others want, as they wants, the guarantee of a quality education for every young person in the country, then government simply cannot take money away from the overcrowded, sometimes literally computer-less public school, and plunge that money into private schools and that skimming from poor neighborhood to rich neighborhood.


       Works Cited

Dwyer, James G. Vouchers Within Reason: a child-centered

            Approach to Education Reform. Itgaca: Cornell University


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