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Tuesday, June 2, 2020

                                                           PLACE MATTERS

            The question of place matters rolls back the idea of good and right which span a greater part in the field of moral philosophy, again the question is the new order might not put a stop to history, is it a utopia,  amicable and placid. Truly, oppression is more likely now that the Cold War has vanished, lets face it business has exultation resulting from victory in that inequality will split or divide base on the new world order as surely as the Berlin Wall in the East and West region. On the above statement out lines in a global sphere people live in an inter independent as a result  wars will continued to destabilized country after country and people will continued live in camps and families suffer when there is not enough to eat and in fact little access to economic.

 Is fair to say social regimes were mostly undermined by the states not given them the tools or power to regulate what is happen in some part of the neighborhoods. For example Social Environment one of the articles in the reading Building a Movement for Healthy Communities by Judith Bell and Victor Rubin mention “Strong social networks that bring neighbors together whether to advocate for change, cultivate a community garden, or provide services can strengthen community ties and empower individuals to be advocates for themselves and change agents for their neighborhoods.” Another example in class discussion and the documentary video some students spoke about the disparities between rich neighborhood and poor neighborhood the poor in cue moor diseases then the rich neighbor living in dilapidated houses not eating healthy food that causes poor diet, high cholesterol, diabetes, major depression as well as other Chronic diseases to children.

Another factor that derailed neighborhood school vouchers represent an unconscionable diversion of scarce resources away from public schools already lacking funds, if others want, as they wants, the guarantee of a quality education for every young person in the country, then government simply cannot take money away from the overcrowded, sometimes literally computer-less public school, and plunge that money into private schools and that skimming from poor neighborhood to rich neighborhood.


       Works Cited

Dwyer, James G. Vouchers Within Reason: a child-centered

            Approach to Education Reform. Itgaca: Cornell University


                                  FREEDOM OF SPEECH

All of the following cases related to situations involving Freedom of Speech.  The first case is Chaplin sky v. New Hampshire 315 (1943).  The next three cases are as follows:  Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. (1971), Hague v. the Committee of Industrial Organization, 307 U.S. 496 (1939), and finally, Tinker, v. Des Moines Independent Community School District 393 U.S. 503 (1969).  The first case of Chaplin sky v. New Hampshire 315 (1943), involves a religious individual from the denomination of Jehovah Witness who it was alleged, verbally insulted a peace officer after the Jehovah Witness had been asked to leave a scene of political protest.  The individual who it was alleged committed the insulted, was arrested as per a statute that relates to what would in more recent eras, be construed as basically using such speech that is likely to incite subversive and anarchic type activity, i.e., rioting.  As one generally seems to know, Jehovah Witnesses have often come under scrutiny given what some critics refer to as their controversial nature.  Keeping an impartial, balanced and objective view of the situation, we ought to consider that in 1939, the gravity of the situation involving a Jehovah Witness alleged to have verbally accosted a police officer, would have most certainly been headline news.  The main issue of the matter as it related to the appeal process was one particular line of speech that follows: “plainly likely to cause a breach of the peace by the addressee,” and it was decided by the courts that such speech is indeed not protected by way of the United States Constitution.  The court system went on to state that technically, the right of free speech is not absolute at all times.”  Naturally, for laypersons and outside observers who think that they have the absolute and total right to say whatever they want in the United States of America without having to be subject to legal injunction and further prosecution, is merely an urban legend and almost total misconception. 

In the 2nd case of Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. (1971), which was argued on February 22, 1971 to be exact and then later decided on December 22 of the same year, an individual was alleged to disturbed the peace, essentially.  The American Civil Liberties Union became involved in this particular case after the organization decided to file on behalf of the petitioner in relation to amicus curiae and ask the court to reverse the original decision.  Therefore, and as part of the legal framework given that amicus curiae is when an outside party and/or entity of sorts, files a motion with the courts as a “friend of the court,” the ACLU offered to help clarify certain Constitutional Rights information of which the latter had been scrutinized primarily.  As is often the case when an individual for whom it has been alleged has used some kind of inflammatory speech in public, the same individual can be said to at the same time, be not only using such speech that is construed as merely offensive to some parties, but also be using that same speech to incite a riot and violence.  Such was it alleged to have taken place in this case, as the individual in question was charged with inciting violence.  The ACLU obviously despite submitting information as a “friend of the court” was really looking out for the best interests and legal right of the accused individual who had made the appeal.  Two justices in the matter seemed to have agreed and thus concurred in that the original findings were later modified to the advantage of the petitioner.  In essence, the Justices believed that what had really occurred was that the petitioner in the matter had been law-abiding when speaking within the confines of a rented/leased property wherein such space was allocated for the purpose of both religious and political gathering.  Basically, the two justices seemed to be very clear in their understating that the local police in New Jersey had no business harassing religious devotees of any religion and that what the police had really done was unfairly targeted the group on the pretext that the religious followers were in some way connected to the “Communist Party of America” and other communist organizations.   

Next, in the 3rd case of Hague v. the Committee of Industrial Organization, 307 U.S. 496 (1936), involves both labor union organizations as well as corporate organizations.  The appellants in the matter include members of the aforementioned labor unions.  As one knows, labor unions have often come under fire and have been at the center of innumerable controversies throughout U.S. industrial and commercial history.  In, Hague v. the Committee of Industrial Organization, of which the latter will hereafter be referred to simply as the ‘CIO,’ approximately three U.S. Court Justices sided with the petitioners and overturned the original court’s findings.  Specifically, and again, this was a matter in the vicinity of New Jersey in which various individuals had been deemed by local police to be part of some kind of communist era under tiding.  The case brought into questions policies pertaining to what at the time was called the “National Labor Relations” Act, as well as certain information, laws and statutes related to rental of hall space for political speeches and gatherings.  Evidently, a bill, thus city ordinance of some kind had been in effect, or rather was purported to be in place at the time, that made it impermissible for groups, organizations, and individuals to obtain a permit from the local police if the space to be rented would be used for purposes of inciting and calling for the destruction of the U.S. government and its employees, agents, officials, officers and so forth.  Back then, before x-number of subsequent cases had been decided in America that would later pave the way for as well as establish certain legal precedent in this country, it was very easy for people and unruly parties to make the claim that certain laws existed because for the most part, the Internet was non-existent and the average layperson hadn’t any real access to the legal system other than from the word of a paid attorney or book from an esoteric legal library.  Again, all these cases take into account early court decisions that more or less laid the ground work for what ultimately became amended laws to our system of government and legal framework relevant to Freedom of Speech and the Right to Free Expression.

Finally, the 4th case of Tinker, v. Des Moines Independent Community School District 393 U.S. 503 (1969), pertains to constitutional right of the public school system in relation to other rights and responsibilities thereof.

Monday, June 1, 2020

*They are good in nothing else but making noise, dancing, marrying many wives, alcoholism, witchcraft, indulging in sex, pretending in church, jealousy, fighting and complaining of bad leadership; but, yet refuse to take a decisive action and protest to remove the brigands from position of power.*
*Let us all accept the fact that the black man is a symbol of poverty, mental inferiority, laziness and emotional incompetence.To make the matter worse, he can do everything possible to defend his stupidity. Give them money for development and they will fight and create hatred and enmity for themselves. Drill oil wells for them and they will not have peace all the days of their life.*
*See, for instance, what's happening in Nigeria (a Country blessed with abundant resources), Southern Sudan, Malawi, DRC just to mention at few.*
*"This proves to anybody including a stupid fool that Africans do not know what they want. isn't that plausible"?*
*"They are like monkeys looking for already ripping banana all over the world!!!.*
*Therefore that the white man is created to rule the black man, Africans will always have day dreams.*
*And here is the creature (black man) that lacks foresight but only sees what is near him and still fails to know what to do"*
*A black man is stupid to the extent that he cannot plan for his life beyond a year. Therefore how can they develop and live longer.*
*"Corruption in the west (And China) is a big abomination, but in Africa, it's so huge that it is slowly becoming an acceptable way of life!!!.*(Shame, isn't it?)
*They sing and rejoice to their corrupt political leaders.They worship their scandal-ridden religious leaders like their gods. Lest you forget, these so called Africans are praising, dancing and praying for the people that have impoverished them,and who comes to hide their loot here.*
*Then which fool argues that the black man is not born a beggar, grows a beggar, looks a beggar, falls sick as a beggar and dies a beggar. this has been proven beyond reasoning.*
*I wonder why even up to now most Africans still go to school by force, and those who are at school are are just drug addicts who don't know what took them there. This is a pregnant stupidity in Africa. The body of Africans is a very fertile ground for all diseases in the world because they don't fear even HIV/AIDS.*
*This leaves me with a question: Are our eyes created the same with those Africans? I hear there are still cultures in Africa that prohibit them from using latrines which is very annoying.*
*"They cried for independence but have failed to rule themselves". For sure being African is a very untreatable disease that even prayers are not enough.*
*They have minerals but they cannot do anything with it. Therefore let us (whites) go to Africa and pick what we can pick and leave what is of no use. Poverty is a disease to the whites, but to the blacks it is very normal.*
*"Look at what is currently going on in Nigeria National Assembly. Legislators amending the constitution to favor themselves at the expense of two (200) million Nigerians.
*"Majority of these legislators are treasury looters who are intellectually barren but using the ill gotten wealth to oppress the citizens of that great country".*
*"What a shame"!*
*Black people with black sense. The worst tragedy in Africa is that if you dare stand up and speak up for what's right, you may end up regretting.*
*"The few wise and open-minded Africans who have tried to educate these fools about civilization have met the worst.They have been pushed hard on the wall, they have been silenced and others have been killed".*
*Before I finish, let me tell Africans that before you jump and call me a racist, an anti-blacks or whatever term you may wish to use against me,1st tackle runaway corruption, dreadful terrorism, tribalism, poverty, unemployment, diseases, illiteracy, ignorance, and inequality, that have put your whole continent on the verge of collapse".*
*"Hate me or love me, I don't care.I know this is the plain truth which will never see the light of the day to the cowards that are afraid to be told as it is".*
*By- Donald .J. Trump.*

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

It is very important for AFRICA are WE going back or moving forward with YOUNG Female!

         According to REUTERS
"Across the continent, rates of female genital mutilation are dropping among children, Research shows that the ritual practice, linked to significant health complications, has dramatically decline over the past 20 years for children under 14. East African countries had the biggest drop, from a rate of 71 percent in 1995 to 8 percent in 2016; West and North Africa are not far behind. The decline has been attributed to continuing campaign against the practice, though researchers say the work isn't over: Many teens and young adults are still at risk".

With my critique on the above article let us go back during the ages of MADAM YOKO whom I think are one of the main people who created such an episode for young girl in Africa, Do they have a reason for that maybe, do the reasons help young girls from abstain or distain  from what our ancestors outline after these young continue to grow to an adult for the reason of what our ancestors proclaim after these young girls grown up. The article did not  give more details about what the effect  of these young genital mutilation.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

                                           INTERVIEW QUESTION
                 If you could interview any living or dead whom would you interview and why?                                 (What would you ask)?    

This interview question reminds me of two people I consider to have the greater impact, one in my native country Sierra Leone Sir Milton Margai and the other in the United States of America Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I would interview Sir Milton Margai or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. why, because I consider both to have a greater impact in the world history today, I would ask Sir Milton Margai how did he became the first medical doctor in the country after graduated from a medical college in London. He came back home to practice medicine, this help a lot of people get medical attention from someone they can really understand and speak the same native language.

Secondly, Sir Milton Margai was also the first African black native man to participated in the legislative body of Government during the rule of Britain, he use the opportunity to push for independence from the British rule, his efforts were so strong that he succeeded in leading the local delegation to Britain for independence conference. Independence was finally attained in 1961 and he became the country first prime minister in Sierra Leone, a position he held for three years until his death in 1964. His death lift a lot of history in Sierra Leone up till date, nobody else like him even though young Sierra Leoneans who are politician trying to copy from his past political aspect of life.

I would also interview and ask Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. how did he worked hard to change laws that were unfair to black people, there used to be a law that said black people must sit at the back of the buses, king wanted to change this law, but he wanted to do it peacefully, without any fighting. He and many other people decided not to ride the buses until black people were allowed to sit in any part of the buses. Dr. King’s plan worked, and the law was change. He participated in the civil right movement, as a result he became a noble prize winner. He was the first African American to win the Nobel Prize, he made it possible for African Americans to hold important positions as a result of many struggles and sacrifices, of those who are now the older generation. He led state legislatures, served on corporate boards, and helped to shape policies throughout the country. None of that would have been possible without the civil rights movement. Dr. Martin Luther King once said “If you will protest courageously, and yet with dignity and Christian love future historians will say, there live a great people.” A black people who injected new meaning and dignity into the veins of civilization. This is our challenge and our over whiling responsibility, the position of Dr. Martin Luther King as a pastor, his wife standing by his side and virtues the people of America made him a winner.

In conclusion I would interview both Sir Milton Margai and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. of whom I consider to have the greater impact in the world history. Sir Milton Margai the first prime minister in my native country Sierra Leone, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr worked hard to change the laws that unfair to black people and as a Nobel Prize winner, also participated in the civil rights movement.

Sunday, March 18, 2018



We are witnessing a new wave of reversion to Tribalism around the Country of Sierra Leone. The same pattern can be seen even in the western World, especially the US polities. But let’s take a step back, between the 18th and 20th centuries, before the rise of Nation-States; the world was most tribal, and Tribes were united by Language Religion, Blood and Belief.
The past 250 to 300 years the belief of Nationhood took basic root around the world and members of the tribes stated to viewing themselves as single people with patriotic sentiment and duties towards their Homeland. This is true, even though from time to time, most people wondered what it must be like to live in a truly tribal society, but yet let us don’t go back to those parts of controversial issues of tribalism. For example as NYMAG.com mention online “the same has happened in a developed Democratic Society Northern Ireland and in one of the most successful Countries in Africa Kenya. Tribal Loyalties turned Beirut, Lebanon’s beautiful cosmopolitan Capital, turn into an urban wasteland in the 1970s.  They caused close to a million deaths in a few months in Rwanda in the 1990s” turn to Ethnic Cleansing. How on earth the two political parties is moving to such abominable idea. To all Sierra Leonean abroad and in the country get curious about how, the collective mind of bad connotation of Tribal war can become diminished if re-examine the past and change our attitude

